Tips About Camping

Although camping out can at times be hazardous, observing careful safety precautions can add to a positive camping out experience for many families. Safety should always be at the forefront of your mind when camping out so here are some things you should think about when on your next camping trip.

Camping is fantastic and a great tradition for numerous families, still, camping can be hazardous and distinct safety precautions need to be made. Don’t forget the following facts to keep safety first while you are on your next camping out adventure.

When you first get to your camping spot, spend a while and look the place over. Correct care needs to be taken and you will also have to look out for broken glass and few other scrap materials that could cause problem. It is good personal manners to leave the camping area in a better condition than when you found it, but numerous individuals don’t live up to that high standard and you may end up being caught with the consequences of a previous uncaring party. Before you setup camp take some time to tidy up the camping out site. In order to prevent injuries, an effort should be made to guarantee that no protruding sticks etc., are present that could possibly cause somebody to trip on them. Right from the start you want to make sure that your camping site is prepared and clean, clutter just causes disarray and potential accidents.

If you are decided to go camping you must check to sure if the area which you would like to go have any restrictions on campfires. During unusually dry weather limitations may be placed on campers to prevent forest fires. You’ll also want to avoid building a fire in the camp when it’s windy since the wind can make the fire to spread quickly to various areas of your campground. To be safe constantly keep a bucket of water on hand to put out the fire and constantly completely extinguish the flames before going to bed or your camping excursion could have a deadly outcome.

Drink lots of liquids and take a first aid kit along when you go camping out. It’s also a good idea to see if there is anything you’re allergic to, such as bee stings. Since you will be miles from the nearest town, you will want to avoid any unnecessary emergencies, determine whether you are allergic to bee venom before your trip. If you have any allergies or a potentially hazardous allergic reaction to bee stings and such,
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Outdoor Survival Tips – Ten Uncommon Ones

There are books full of outdoor survival tips these days, most with the same advice. Here are a few tips you probably haven’t heard.

The outdoor survival tips you’ll find here are not the usual fare. They come from the unusual techniques that myself and others have experimented with. Keep them in mind in case the day comes when you are lost in the wilderness.

Outdoor Survival Tips – Fire Making

1. Pull a piece of pack rat nest loose to use for tinder. These are usually found under rock ledges and in small caves, so they are dry even when it is raining. They are commonly full of plant fuzz, dry grass and other flammable materials.

2. Polish the bottom of an aluminum pop or beer can, and you can use it to focus the sun’s rays to start a fire. Chocolate has been used to do the polishing, but you can also experiment with various natural substances. This is not easy, and probably not possible if the sun is too low, or the can not shiny enough, but I have seen it work. Point the can-bottom at the sun and focus the rays to a small point of light on a piece of natural tinder or paper (a dollar bill works well).

3. Another good source of dry tinder is from old milkweed pods. These often cling to the stalks all winter, and some of them usually have silky seed fuzz still in them, which can be dry even during pouring rain. Any source of flame, or even a spark will ignite this.

4. Bottles and other glass can be used like a magnifying glass to start a fire. Ever since the first forest fire investigator traced the cause of a fire back to a discarded pop bottle, we have known that in bright sunlight, various types of glass can focus the rays to start a fire. You might want to try your own eyeglasses as well, especially if they are a thick prescription.

5. Another source of dry tinder during wet weather is under things. Specifically, look under leaves for dry leaves, or under large logs for anything dry and flammable.
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Fishing Tips for Beginners

There are many kinds of fishing equipment in stores, numerous fishing methods in books, and fishing advice online. To make it all simple, here are the basic things you need to know for your first-time fishing adventure.1) How to fish with bait* Tackle. To plunk the bait, you should purchase lead weights. The weight of the lead would vary depending on the current of the environment. Anglers commonly use and recommend bank sinkers with a number-two hook. To avoid sinkers sliding, you would need a swivel to act as a stop. To protect the knot, you could use plastic beads between the swivel and weight. Using two appropriate swivels could allow you to rig the sliding sinkers.* Bait. The commonly used bait for all kinds of fishes is worms. Another popular bait is chicken liver. Remember to buy fresh bait and keep them cold to avoid them from getting soft and allowing the bait to stay within your hooks. Some of the commonly used baits are cut-baits which include skin from fried chicken, fish entrails, grasshoppers, salmon eggs, shrimps, and crayfish tails.2) How to fish – There are three basic methods for fishing.* Plunking – It is the most common method used. Use a suitable amount of weight for you to be able to take hold of the bait in a position that is against any current. An option in plunking is to use minimal weight for the bait to move along with the water current.* Back bouncing – It is done by lifting the bait out the bottom and raising the tip of the rod for one to two feet. Allowing the bait to walk with the current, you should free the back reel or spool. Repeat the steps when the lure settles down on the bottom. Back bouncing is effective in deeper water like fishing in a boat.* Drift-fishing – It is a simple method wherein you cast upstream or downstream. This may vary depending on the current amount. You should count the appropriate depth and start reeling.3) How to fish from a boat – It is important to determine in which location you would perform your fishing. Deeper water needs heavier jigheads compared to when fishing onshore.* With heavyweight which keeps your bait near the bottom of the water and the line straight down from your boat, you are able to drift the boat along with any current. A good technique of fishing on boats is trolling slowly with a fishing device called bottom-walker. Fishing is easy as long as you’re enjoying the trip. Bring some of your family and friends along and make your first time fishing a memorable one.

Source: Free Articles from

Emergency Preparedness Checklist

If a disaster occurs in your community, local agencies and disaster-relief groups are there to help you. However, emergency personnel may not be able to reach you immediately, or they may need to focus their efforts elsewhere.

Your emergency preparedness will be the key to you and your family’s safety and survival.

Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit

Everyone should have some basic supplies on hand in order to survive for at least three days if an emergency occurs. Listed below are some basic items that each emergency supply kit should include. However, it is important that everyone review this list and consider where they live and their unique needs in order to create an emergency supply kit that will meet these needs for their family. Consider having at least two emergency kits, one full kit at home and a smaller portable kit in your vehicle, at school, at work or other places you spend time.

Print a copy of this list to make it easier to use.

¡ Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
and a possible nine days.
¡ Food, at least a three to nine day supply of non-perishable food and a portable stove.

¡ Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both

¡ Flashlight and extra batteries

¡ First aid kit

¡ Whistle to signal for help
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